Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011


Love became the biggest force in a story romantically. But in reality, not all lovers know how to maintain relationships. Commitment to look after each other the power of love must be imprinted in your heart and liver moorings. Due to the power of love, you can take him to a beautiful dream.To build the power of love. Love without devotion is a lie. In a relationship, you must be honest and faithful. Show your love and your faithfulness to accompany him when his heart was wounded, nor did he move to another lot of caution when temptation strikes.Another secret power of love in the relationship remains strong is the sharing of support and understanding. When the he was confronted with serious situations, like losing a job, as your partner must give him support so he is not getting worse.Love is one element that can enrich your love of trees with heart moorings. But, love alone will not suffice. Love is a verb and not a noun, meaning of love requires action, not just words. You can excite a sense of love on the him with a warm kiss on her arm or hung spoiled when the middle in front of his friends.The power of love is very powerful. Love becomes the main reason humans to stay alive. Whatever man does all lead to love. The main driver of human motivation as well as an excuse to get love. Because of love in human beings, they are willing to sacrifice treasure life even once. Love is a feeling someone of the opposite sex because of interest in something that is owned by the opposite sex (such as the nature, face, etc.). But the necessary understanding and mutual understanding in order to continue the relationship, must mutually shortfalls and willing to accept their partner as it is, without coercion by either party. Sharing love together and share their grief together. Love was never far from your life, if you open yourself. It may be that you crave the perfect man throughout life, even though the person actually is all around you. Could be he is your partner today. Or, people closest to you have been ignored. Then a few years later you realize he's just always there for you, and the deepest heart said yes, you love him. You would not be willing to exchange the intimacy, trust, bond strength, comfort, that you find along the whole way with a partner for decades. The love that grows with the need to learn from each other makes you brought deeper and deeper. Making life better, and it means more than just a feeling of falling in love. Love can defeat fear. When you feel unable to care for children alone, because the love pair, you believe he will always be there to solve all problems together. Concerns pain turned into quiet because your partner will take care whenever you need. The love that grows in the pair was able to defeat a variety of fears. Love can be found from the smallest or the simplest things in your daily life. From the simple assistance in the kitchen after dinner. Husband whistling while enjoying his time in the bathroom. Small kisses from your daughter read her story was over. Your child's smile of satisfaction when successfully won the match at her school. From the daily running throughout life, formed a strong bond that unites you.